Swotly - Back to school

    Back to school

    Three top tips to support your kids

    The uniform is ready in the wardrobe, PE kit purchased and new shoes fitted. But as every parent knows, this is just the beginning.

    With a timetable that changes daily and requires a multitude of different books and equipment, secondary school can be tricky for young people to navigate.

    Here’s Swotly’s guide to three easy ways you can support your kids.

    Plan ahead

    There’s an expectation at secondary school for kids to be prepared at all times. This relates to equipment as well as uniform. Check you have everything they need so you have all bases covered – from ties to protractors and shin pads to glue sticks. If your child knows they have everything they need in the wardrobe and in their pencil case, it’s one less thing to be anxious about.

    Prepare for success

    Plan a system that’ll work for you and your family. Get everyone involved to agree to it. Maybe you’ll agree that the school bag is packed with all the necessary books and equipment the night before. Perhaps it’s that mum or dad will put the weekly lunch money onto the online account on a Sunday night. Whatever it is, make the agreement, try it out for a few weeks then change it if you need to.

    Get the apps

    Schools use apps and websites to share information with you about your child’s timetable, attendance and behaviour. They also use them to make announcements, share newsletters and to manage making payments to the school for lunches and activities. Your school will tell you which ones you’ll need. Download them now so you can be on top of the parenting admin.

    Tags: ParentingEducation

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