Swotly - Demo School

    Demo School

    Try it out

    Sign up as a beta tester to experience our latest Alexa skill for schools using Google Classroom. Register as a parent of two imaginary children attending Demo School, then use the skill to check their timetable and coursework


    Experience the convenience of voice technology as you interact with your children's school. Realise how it might help you become more involved in their education.


    Experience the ease with which voice technology can improve parental engagement. Realise how it can unlock the data within your LMS to strengthen parent-teacher collaboration


    Provide feedback on what parts of the skill you like or dislike. Report bugs and suggest new features


    Help improve the design of the skill with your interactions, phrases, and accent


    Our customer support team will answer your questions and help resolve any problems you experience

    Sign up as a beta tester

    Use the following form to register as a parent of children attending Demo School. Please provide your name and the email address you use to access your Alexa devices, then select from the imaginary students that attend the school.
    Please note, for now, we only support Alexa devices using English in the United Kingdom (en-GB) and United States (en-US).

    Sign up
